Sunday, 26 May 2013


Murphy ji at his best!

So, I had fever midcycle. I did some baby dance, I was sure it wasn't enough. I got new tailor made fitted dresses. No I didn't buy She Cup and Ecofemme Pads, call it my laziness.

Then I patiently awaited my period. I gave my body some time, since my cycles have a surprise element, ranging from 28 to 36 days.

Then one day, I retched. Yes I had a wave of nausea . It shook me. It surprised me. And it made me believe I may be pregnant. After a few days of wait, and daily retching, I took a urine pregnancy test. Which was positive. POSITIVE

Positive when I least expected it.

Few days before I missed my period, I heard from two of my closest friends of their good news. I was happy for them, yet feeling left out. Now I am glad I have two of my closest friends delivering just before me. Now I have gals to share my fears and experiences real time. These were my classmates in college. We had exams, successes, failures all together. Now this life changing experience.

I am thrilled to bits!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Life Updates

Nearing the end of third TTC cycle!

This month, I was calm and let fate take over. Dumped the thermometer, no more BBT. No cervical mucus checks.
MY FATE- Midcycle, had a huge fever. But consciously avoided antibiotics, cough remedies, everything! Nutrition suffered big time. Obviously, sex was lowest on priority list. So this month, the period is what I expect, not a positive UPT.

Meanwhile more and more people are sharing their good news, and baby pictures! Makes my heart leap with happiness for them, and a tinge of sorrow for myself. But then my good sense prevails. Whatever happens, will take its own sweet time. And when it happens, all the sorrows of past will be insignificant.