Saturday, 2 November 2013

Short Updates

The D day is closing in! Cannot believe I have only some 6 weeks to go full term. Which means the baby can pop out anytime soon!

Like I said, I had certain ideas about my pregnancy. I imagined that I would be

  • Very active- OK, I was working, still am but half of what I did before
  • Reading a lot- Read few pregnancy books, a few novels, barely any good Sanskaari books
  • Listening to good music- hardly
  • Exercising- Only some walking, occasional stretching
  • Knitting- The images videos and everything looks impossibly tough
  • Cooking- Not much, MIL manages the kitchen. Plus I feel lazy

Come third trimester and the lethargy has gone up! Incredible levels of fatigue I feel.

BTW had a small Godh Bharai Ceremony which I enjoyed a lot!

Soon will register for delivery. Tough choice between my docs nursing home Vs. Hospital...Registering at both places for the time being

Shall start packing my hospital bag right after Diwali!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Third Trimester

Another few weeks have just floated past and I am in the third trimester already!Back again after over a month of quiet.

Routine tests at 24 weeks- sugars, Hemoglobin and urine tests have been fine. And a scan for evolving cardiac abnormalities has been done and reassuring. Phew, now I feel free to plan for my "Godh Bharai" ceremony.

MIL wanted me to choose a gold ornament of my choice, but the prices have been so restrictive that I didn't have the heart to do it. She plans to pass on her old nice bangles to me, and I think I will skip buying any new gold for myself. I am not a big fan of jewelry anyway. For a saree too I have one I had just treated myself to at Kolkata a year ago. Considering how rarely I get to wear my fine sarees, I will resist the temptation of buying one more. Although buying and owning sarees makes me really happy..heh heh

Third Trimester Highlights
  • Return of fatigue and somnolence of first trimester
  • Heartburn at times
  • More active baby movements, sometimes even seen as shaking of the abdominal wall!
  • Breathlessness on climbing stairs (I take the Mumbai Local trains to work often)
  • Backache, that had begun in the second trimester itself, makes an appearance sometimes
  • Nesting is setting in and I have emptied few shelves of my cupboards for baby stuff
I really want to shop for the baby, but MIL and mother are quite against it. I think I shall buy some basic stuff anyhow.

For myself I have gotten a few loose kurtas and stretchable leggings, stashed away or donated my old dresses. I need to buy a pair of maternity pants. I regret missing the crazy August sales, but in August I wasn't even showing. I was worried about getting a pair of pants that's too small or large. Nothing sucks more than a pair of pants that won't fit.

In the hubbyland, my otherwise reluctant to have a baby husband is pretty excited- He's excited to see me happy, see my excitement about baby movements but somewhere in his heart I know he's scared of losing his freedom. And his own "childhood" I really hope and pray he has a change of heart for good once the baby arrives!

Mother is extra anxious now a days- typically. "You don't show so much" I guess being worried is a part of being a mom. And I worry too- my pet fear is me dropping my baby. Phew hope that never happens to anyone.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

So Far

Long time, in fact 2 months since I last blogged! When I started off, I was hoping for a week by week update. Yeah right, I really thought I could do it.

Anyway to wrap up, all was fine in baby land. The nuchal thickness scan, looking for any chromosomal trisomy was OK. But the biochemistry wasn't all quite right. That called for more testing, some stress, considerations of amniocentesis, ruling out of amniocentesis, and an anomaly scan which was reassuring. Of course, some stress still remains. That will stay till I have my baby in my arms!

Hope I am wrong, but I have always feared that with my patience and my kind of great luck so far, God may be hell bent on gifting me with a specially abled child. Please God, change your mind right away. You know I am quite ordinary. Just give me an ordinary healthy baby. No Einstein, nothing otherwise either.

We took a long overdue family vacation abroad. Between my 13th to 15th weeks. It was planned way before I was pregnant. And thanks to God, since all was fine otherwise in babyland. And my super cool obstetrician was fine with me taking the trip as well! I did a lot on that trip, stuff normally a pregnant woman should not. About that I will write later on but! Not that I believe in jinxes but I will spill all the beans once I have my baby. I don't want idiotic people coming up with their ridiculous "I told you so's." Thankfully, I am not surrounded by too many such people. My family is really caring but simultaneously non interfering! A unique gift.

BTW I have, in my pregnancy realized again and yet again what a caring lady I have for mother in law. She's the best thing happened to me. I can imagine how I have such a nice husband. He's her son! She never minds my extra hours of sleep, makes everything I crave- pickle's, chaat, sweets. She doesn't mind me camping at Mom's when tired (Mom stays close to workplace), has an almost non existent list of dos and don'ts. She even gets up an hour earlier to pack me a wholesome lunch for work! Something she has never done so far! Her children have always eaten at their office cafeterias so far.

Second trimester has been good so far. Nausea is low, appetite is at a all time high and the first trimester food aversions are diminishing. Finally I am gaining weight! And the bump is showing. And I am not too keen on hiding it. I hate when girls wear grossly mismatched stoles and dupattas that run till the pubes to just hide the beautiful bump! It certainly doesn't hide the bump, makes you look frumpy instead, since you asked me :P

Iron and Calcium supplementation has begun! Thankfully apart from the occasional  acidity and vomiting, I am tolerating the tablets very well.

Some fetal movements I can finally feel. In the beginning of this month, when I was about 19 weeks, I felt some flutters in my tummy, but only on paying close attention, when I was resting. I wasn't sure that was my baby, gas or my mind. But at 21 weeks I have started feeling definite kicks/fists! Its a mild lovely feeling. The pregnancy feeling is finally sinking in! However the kicks are too mild. So the husband will have to wait for them...for a few more weeks I guess!

Well, that's a lot for today!  Soon I intend to write about traveling when pregnant, and more about Iron and Calcium...

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Eating During Pregnancy

Never in the past have, I been so careful about my diet, what I am eating and avoiding! Pregnancy and motherhood really change you so much.

Gastrointestinal Problems in Pregnancy

  1. Heartburn and Acidity
  2. Nausea and Vomiting
  3. Early satiety in advanced pregnancy
  4. Constipation
  5. Aggravation of pre existing piles (Hemorrhoids)
While none of these can be prevented, they can be largely tackled with good care

Food Do's during Pregnancy
  1. Eat non spicy non greasy food, every 2 hourly
  2. Drink plenty of fluids- water, juices, milk and milk products
  3. Eat foods rich in proteins, calcium, carbohydrates, iron and vitamins
  4. Eat fiber rich fruits and vegetables
  5. Have a 2 to 3 glasses of milk/buttermilk 

Food Don'ts during Pregnancy
  1. Avoid eating raw uncooked food, sushi, mithai prepared outside
  2. Avoid eating refined food- maida. Maida lacks fiber, and aggravates constipation
  3. Avoid roadside chaats and foods. Risk of serious infections is high in pregnancy
  4. Avoid prolonged fasting. Hunger aggravates nausea
  5. Avoid spicy and oily food. Worsens acidity and heartburn
  6. Avoid deep sea fishes (high mercury) particularly first trimester. Refer here for details.

Good Foods to eat during Pregnancy

The list is long and endless. Here's what I have been eating
  1. Rotis, especially fortified with Ragi/Soyabean flour. Rice and dal, Dal khichdi
  2. Fresh seasonal fruits. Wash properly before eating. Have home made juices or packaged juices if unable to eat solids, first trimester
  3. All vegetables, leafy vegetables, pulses and sprouts in form of vegetables and salads
  4. Dry fruits and nuts, dates. Keep in a small box, and carry along to work place as well!
  5. Peanut jaggery chikki and ladoos as in between munchies
  6. Milk, buttermilk, curds or lassi. Homemade milk products please
  7. Kurmura Bhel made at home, corn bhel, sprouts bhel make good snacks
  8. Soups made at home- avoid powders available in market. No nutrition, loaded with chemicals
  9. Poha, dosas, upma, oat porridge, sandwiches have been my breakfast staples

Monday, 10 June 2013

Morning Sickness

The joys of pregnancy are marred for many by morning sickness.

Morning sickness or Emesis gravidarum is the uneasy feeling, nausea with or without vomiting that occur during pregnancy, particularly the first trimester. The term morning sickness is a misnomer really. It really occurs at any time of the day.

There are many other reasons for vomiting in pregnancy, leave the diagnosis to your doctor!

Basically vomiting and nausea are caused by the massive hormonal changes happening in your body. Its normal, unless its severely impairs your food intake, causes dehydration or such problems, in which case, rush to your doctor!

Symptoms of Morning Sickness

Uneasiness, nausea and retching with or without a small amount of vomitus. Typically aggravated by strong aromas or smells, sights or even  by hunger, fatigue and prolonged starvation

Like mentioned, it may occur any time of the day

Mostly is self limiting and avoidable with a few simple measures

It disappears by 14 weeks and is mostly easy to treat

Few Remedies that worked for me

Before getting off the bed, nibble one or two marie biscuits. Works fine for me, some women don't like it though 

Don't get off the bed immediately, lie around for a while, move your limbs before getting off.

When it occurs during the day, just take a stroll. Or have a sip of water, juice, buttermilk-- basically anything you like. For me mildly spiced buttermilk or orange juice, at times even sips of water work well

Chew on something tangy like amla supari, dried apricots, lemon drops. 

Lie down for a while and rest

Get distracted. Sometimes its just our mind.

Prevention Strategies that Worked for me

Eat small non spicy meals every 2 hours

Avoid oily food, or any food that triggers nausea. For me its asafoetida! 

Sip water all day. Staying hydrated is very important

Take your Folic Acid supplement at night before sleeping, and not in the morning. Really made a difference to me

Have an early dinner, and a glass of milk before you sleep


Is for bothersome cases, with simple drugs. Follow prescription as recommended by your Obstetrician

Sunday, 9 June 2013

First Scan and Wrap up of First Trimester

Went for my first scan, to check heart activity of my baby, about a week ago. When I was around 6 weeks and a few days.

But my baby in my scan was over 9 weeks old! I did a recheck scan by a senior sonologist and by that also I am atleast 3 and half weeks ahead of my dates! So when I was crying hoarse in March, I was pregnant, without any symptoms. OK, some fatigue and a massive appetite, but largely unaware!

Glad I stayed away from antibiotics and cough remedies during my fever and cold in April!

So today I am 11 weeks, just a week and first trimester is over!

Highlights of the first trimester

  1.  Nausea and sickness, not too overwhelming but certainly there
  2.  Increased hunger, but inability to eat much at one go
  3.  Aversion to stuff I otherwise enjoy- tea, pakoras, sea food
  4.  Craving for sweets and tangy stuff
  5.  Fatigue and somnolence- especially after work. On weekends, I'm largely sorted
  6.  Rarely ever any mood swings. I think my hubby has more mood swings than me these days. 
  7. Lot of pampering, largely excused from cooking at home. Hubby is more attentive to small needs like getting water, getting me marie biscuits by the bedside and generally caring!

Sunday, 26 May 2013


Murphy ji at his best!

So, I had fever midcycle. I did some baby dance, I was sure it wasn't enough. I got new tailor made fitted dresses. No I didn't buy She Cup and Ecofemme Pads, call it my laziness.

Then I patiently awaited my period. I gave my body some time, since my cycles have a surprise element, ranging from 28 to 36 days.

Then one day, I retched. Yes I had a wave of nausea . It shook me. It surprised me. And it made me believe I may be pregnant. After a few days of wait, and daily retching, I took a urine pregnancy test. Which was positive. POSITIVE

Positive when I least expected it.

Few days before I missed my period, I heard from two of my closest friends of their good news. I was happy for them, yet feeling left out. Now I am glad I have two of my closest friends delivering just before me. Now I have gals to share my fears and experiences real time. These were my classmates in college. We had exams, successes, failures all together. Now this life changing experience.

I am thrilled to bits!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Life Updates

Nearing the end of third TTC cycle!

This month, I was calm and let fate take over. Dumped the thermometer, no more BBT. No cervical mucus checks.
MY FATE- Midcycle, had a huge fever. But consciously avoided antibiotics, cough remedies, everything! Nutrition suffered big time. Obviously, sex was lowest on priority list. So this month, the period is what I expect, not a positive UPT.

Meanwhile more and more people are sharing their good news, and baby pictures! Makes my heart leap with happiness for them, and a tinge of sorrow for myself. But then my good sense prevails. Whatever happens, will take its own sweet time. And when it happens, all the sorrows of past will be insignificant.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Laws of Murphy

Now its 2 months of active trying, 6 months of thinking of trying. I have been postponing buying new clothes, getting new clothes tailored and buying a diva cup and eco femme cloth pads (ya I'm turning eco friendly in a big way) for ages.

Now I am bored of my dresses. Enough, I'm going to the tailor. And I'm ordering she cup online ASAP.

And if Murphy has it right I'll conceive the next day these things arrive at my doorstep.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Bad News

Aunt Flo arrived, and left me shattered. I was so sure she won't be seen for a while now. Alas

Its upsetting, to know you have not made a baby. Being a first timer, a few doubts began creeping in as well. But anxiety is best kept far. It really adds up to nothing. So I am using some stuff to comfort me

1- Probably God has a better plan for me
2- I probably had made a baby, but due to some malformation, it was best I didn't succeed
3- I need to earn some more! ;)
4- I can safely deworm myself, like I wanted to pre pregnancy!
5- Some women do get small bleeds, like a "period" in first month. So I should still treat my body with respect, have nutritious food and avoid unnecessary self medication

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The Two Week Wait

The two weeks between trying and knowing are the slowest two weeks ever! While I am at the last few days of the week, each day has been eventful.

For a few years, my husband and I were pretty reluctant to consider parenting, given our hectic lifestyle, odd schedules, uncertain careers and a general dislike of the city life. But then finally the fear of running out of time, and the feeling of missing something important caught up with me and we finally gave in to the temptation. And also, going DINKs in India requires tremendous courage and some "I don't care" attitude which I honestly don't have. 
Seeing most of my batch mates sport pictures of their chubby pregnant faces, chubbier babies and such was no relief either. So starting this year, I got my teeth fixed, started eating good and Folic Acid supplements and we decided to take the plunge few weeks ago.

Now call it my mind, or am I so in tune with my body, past one week I have noticed a few things which lead me to believe I may be pregnant! 

Starting with lower abdominal cramps, although mild, and all over the place. No preference to any side.

Then the extreme crazy fatigue. Just the journey from home to work exhausts me. Staying up beyond 10 pm is a task. Point in case- while making this blog, I had to key in the Google Word verification at least 15 times. OK, 10 times. Good thing- I know my new password by heart!

Extreme distaste for tea which is my favorite drink for any given season. I have at least 5-6 cups a day, now reduced to 1/2 in the morning

One episode of nausea. Standing in the train, regretting the morning cup of tea!

Sore breasts- minimal value, those I have premenstrual as well.

Food cravings- which do not respond to any "baapre high calories!" warning from my better sense

Improved sense of smell- I have a pathetic sense of smell otherwise! I am the last to smell any perfume, farts, smelly armpits etc. But my sense of smell has certainly improved

I shared my stuff with the husband and he's been treating me like a princess! But somewhere a small pang of doubt has crept in my mind, which says "Is it all for real? Or am I imagining all of this? what if I'm not pregnant?" The thought scared me, but some rational thinking, sane advice from the hubby's sis and comforting from the husband has set things right. So today I had tea, felt less tired, but the cramping continues.

If I take the urine test now, it is likely to be negative- either a true or a false one, unless I am pouring hormones! Irregular cycles complicate things. So I have a UPT kit, hidden in my bag, which I will take only after I have really missed my period! Till then, God bless me with some patience