Saturday, 15 June 2013

Eating During Pregnancy

Never in the past have, I been so careful about my diet, what I am eating and avoiding! Pregnancy and motherhood really change you so much.

Gastrointestinal Problems in Pregnancy

  1. Heartburn and Acidity
  2. Nausea and Vomiting
  3. Early satiety in advanced pregnancy
  4. Constipation
  5. Aggravation of pre existing piles (Hemorrhoids)
While none of these can be prevented, they can be largely tackled with good care

Food Do's during Pregnancy
  1. Eat non spicy non greasy food, every 2 hourly
  2. Drink plenty of fluids- water, juices, milk and milk products
  3. Eat foods rich in proteins, calcium, carbohydrates, iron and vitamins
  4. Eat fiber rich fruits and vegetables
  5. Have a 2 to 3 glasses of milk/buttermilk 

Food Don'ts during Pregnancy
  1. Avoid eating raw uncooked food, sushi, mithai prepared outside
  2. Avoid eating refined food- maida. Maida lacks fiber, and aggravates constipation
  3. Avoid roadside chaats and foods. Risk of serious infections is high in pregnancy
  4. Avoid prolonged fasting. Hunger aggravates nausea
  5. Avoid spicy and oily food. Worsens acidity and heartburn
  6. Avoid deep sea fishes (high mercury) particularly first trimester. Refer here for details.

Good Foods to eat during Pregnancy

The list is long and endless. Here's what I have been eating
  1. Rotis, especially fortified with Ragi/Soyabean flour. Rice and dal, Dal khichdi
  2. Fresh seasonal fruits. Wash properly before eating. Have home made juices or packaged juices if unable to eat solids, first trimester
  3. All vegetables, leafy vegetables, pulses and sprouts in form of vegetables and salads
  4. Dry fruits and nuts, dates. Keep in a small box, and carry along to work place as well!
  5. Peanut jaggery chikki and ladoos as in between munchies
  6. Milk, buttermilk, curds or lassi. Homemade milk products please
  7. Kurmura Bhel made at home, corn bhel, sprouts bhel make good snacks
  8. Soups made at home- avoid powders available in market. No nutrition, loaded with chemicals
  9. Poha, dosas, upma, oat porridge, sandwiches have been my breakfast staples

Monday, 10 June 2013

Morning Sickness

The joys of pregnancy are marred for many by morning sickness.

Morning sickness or Emesis gravidarum is the uneasy feeling, nausea with or without vomiting that occur during pregnancy, particularly the first trimester. The term morning sickness is a misnomer really. It really occurs at any time of the day.

There are many other reasons for vomiting in pregnancy, leave the diagnosis to your doctor!

Basically vomiting and nausea are caused by the massive hormonal changes happening in your body. Its normal, unless its severely impairs your food intake, causes dehydration or such problems, in which case, rush to your doctor!

Symptoms of Morning Sickness

Uneasiness, nausea and retching with or without a small amount of vomitus. Typically aggravated by strong aromas or smells, sights or even  by hunger, fatigue and prolonged starvation

Like mentioned, it may occur any time of the day

Mostly is self limiting and avoidable with a few simple measures

It disappears by 14 weeks and is mostly easy to treat

Few Remedies that worked for me

Before getting off the bed, nibble one or two marie biscuits. Works fine for me, some women don't like it though 

Don't get off the bed immediately, lie around for a while, move your limbs before getting off.

When it occurs during the day, just take a stroll. Or have a sip of water, juice, buttermilk-- basically anything you like. For me mildly spiced buttermilk or orange juice, at times even sips of water work well

Chew on something tangy like amla supari, dried apricots, lemon drops. 

Lie down for a while and rest

Get distracted. Sometimes its just our mind.

Prevention Strategies that Worked for me

Eat small non spicy meals every 2 hours

Avoid oily food, or any food that triggers nausea. For me its asafoetida! 

Sip water all day. Staying hydrated is very important

Take your Folic Acid supplement at night before sleeping, and not in the morning. Really made a difference to me

Have an early dinner, and a glass of milk before you sleep


Is for bothersome cases, with simple drugs. Follow prescription as recommended by your Obstetrician

Sunday, 9 June 2013

First Scan and Wrap up of First Trimester

Went for my first scan, to check heart activity of my baby, about a week ago. When I was around 6 weeks and a few days.

But my baby in my scan was over 9 weeks old! I did a recheck scan by a senior sonologist and by that also I am atleast 3 and half weeks ahead of my dates! So when I was crying hoarse in March, I was pregnant, without any symptoms. OK, some fatigue and a massive appetite, but largely unaware!

Glad I stayed away from antibiotics and cough remedies during my fever and cold in April!

So today I am 11 weeks, just a week and first trimester is over!

Highlights of the first trimester

  1.  Nausea and sickness, not too overwhelming but certainly there
  2.  Increased hunger, but inability to eat much at one go
  3.  Aversion to stuff I otherwise enjoy- tea, pakoras, sea food
  4.  Craving for sweets and tangy stuff
  5.  Fatigue and somnolence- especially after work. On weekends, I'm largely sorted
  6.  Rarely ever any mood swings. I think my hubby has more mood swings than me these days. 
  7. Lot of pampering, largely excused from cooking at home. Hubby is more attentive to small needs like getting water, getting me marie biscuits by the bedside and generally caring!